Verbose writers afflicted with the tendency to deliver copy well above their requested word count are often advised by editors to kill their darlings -- to throw out large swaths of stories that they're particularly fond of.
News: What you need to know about the markets | | | | Wall Street kills its darlings | Verbose writers afflicted with the tendency to deliver copy well above their requested word count are often advised by editors to kill their darlings -- to throw out large swaths of stories that they're particularly fond of. Read more » | | Stocks had their worst year since 2008. Bonds were even worse | Wall Street is bidding goodbye -- and good riddance -- to 2022. It has been a year most investors would rather forget. Read more » | | Wall Street's biggest winners and losers in 2022 | This hasn't been a good year for the equities market. The S&P 500 is down nearly 20% and with two trading days left in the year, investors' hopes of a miraculous recovery have been dashed. Read more » | | Tesla shares are down 70% for the year as Morgan Stanley cuts price target | Tesla's stock is finishing out its tumultuous year with yet more turbulence: It's up almost 6% Thursday, but still down more than 10% since last week. And a new cut to its price target from Morgan Stanley isn't helping. Read more » | | Why Southwest is still melting down | It's Thursday. The Christmas storm that dumped many feet of snow across most of America was mostly over by Monday. Still, Southwest canceled another 2,300 flights today, long after its rivals had resumed normal service. Read more » | | Ruble hits 8-month low against dollar, as falling oil prices and sanctions bite | Russia's currency hit an eight-month low Thursday, adding to sharp declines in December as global oil prices fell, and Western sanctions targeted Russia's energy sector. Read more » | | | | | | | |
| -73.55 | | -11.60 | | -9.78 | 33,147.25 | | 10,466.48 | | 3,839.50 | -0.22% | | -0.11% | | -0.25% | YTD -8.78% | | YTD -33.10% | | YTD -19.44% | | | |
Biggest Winners | Las Vegas Sands Corp | +2.10% | | Ceridian HCM Holding Inc | +1.46% | | Conocophillips | +1.38% | | Halliburton Co | +1.23% | | Biggest Losers | Charles River Laboratories International Inc | -2.53% | | Atmos Energy Corp | -2.11% | | Crown Castle Inc | -2.00% | | Vornado Realty Trust | -1.98% | | | | | |
Hottest ETF |  | | NYSE Market Volume |  | | | | | |
Key Market Stats | Latest | Today's Change | | Oil | $80.43 | +2.03 / +2.59% | | Gold | $1,830.90 | +4.90 / +0.27% | | 10-yr | 3.88% | +0.04 | | Euro | $1.07 | +0.00 / +0.47% | | |
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