The New York Stock Exchange said Monday that a technical issue that halted trading for some major stocks and caused Berkshire Hathaway to be down 99.97% has been resolved. Read full article
Even after years of inflation, geopolitical chaos and recession in Europe, the US economy remains resilient. The reason for that is mostly the American consumer, with spending accounting for about 70% of gross domestic product. Read full article
Indian markets hit record highs on Monday as experts predict a resounding victory for incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi in national elections. Read full article
America's gummed-up housing market is a $45 trillion mess — a big old knot of economic forces smashing into a century's worth of cultural conditioning about the value of homeownership. Read full article
"Place your order." In the time it took you to read that sentence, another deck of Uno was sold. By some measures it's is the top-selling card or board game in the world — thanks in part to dozens of new editions published by maker Mattel each year. Read full article
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