Too big for Switzerland? Credit Suisse rescue creates bank twice the size of the economy

The last-minute rescue of Credit Suisse may have prevented the current banking crisis from exploding, but it's a raw deal for Switzerland.
CNN Business: Markets Now
News: What you need to know about the markets
Too big for Switzerland? Credit Suisse rescue creates bank twice the size of the economy
The last-minute rescue of Credit Suisse may have prevented the current banking crisis from exploding, but it's a raw deal for Switzerland. Read more »
Short-seller Hindenburg targets Jack Dorsey's Block
Shares of Block, the company behind Cash App, plunged by 20% Thursday morning after the release of a searing report from short-seller Hindenburg Research. Read more »
Mortgage rates fall for a second week
Mortgage rates dropped again this week for the second week in a row amid lingering concerns about bank failures and uncertainty in the financial markets. Read more »
Five big takeaways from the Fed's extraordinary meeting
The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a quarter percentage point on Wednesday as it attempts to fight stubbornly high inflation while addressing risks to financial stability. Read more »
New Starbucks CEO plans to pull barista shifts in stores every month
Starbucks' new CEO Laxman Narasimhan teased his plan for the company in a letter to employees. It includes working in Starbucks stores as a barista once a month. Read more »
Swiss central bank says crisis halted as it hikes interest rates
Switzerland's banking crisis has been halted, the country's central bank said Thursday as it hiked interest rates for the fourth time in a bid to contain inflation. Read more »
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